Surfactants, Colloids and Interfaces Training Course :

Who Should Attend
Learning Objectives
<strong>Course Schedule - December 2-5, 2008</strong><br/><br/>This course is designed to bring you up-to-date on the basic principles involved in colloid and interface science, as well as surfactants, and to demonstrate their relevance for solving practical problems. Such problems are encountered in various engineering aspects of formation of dispersions, their longterm physical stability, and the preparation of various systems of paints, inks, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, ceramics, detergents and many household products. The course provides the fundamental principles of colloid and interface science, with particular emphasis on surfactants and their applications. Theories are adequately described, but more emphasis is given toward commercial application of the fundamental concepts. Application of these fundamental principles follows in a logical way. Practical examples of formulation solving are included and you are encouraged to bring your problems and needs for public or private discussion with the course director.
11/17/2008 To 01/01/0001
Training Company
The Center for Professional Advancement (CfPA)
Course Category
Brochure Name,C8-110,0812-105.pdf
East Brunswick, NJ USA