Investigation of Microbial Contamination in Sterile and Non-Sterile Products Training Course :

Who Should Attend
Learning Objectives
<strong>Course Schedule - Pre-recorded Course</strong><br/><br/>This 90-minute <b><i>accredited</b></i> online course provides an overview of the investigation of microbial contamination in manufacturing processes and products. Product contamination can cause infection in the end user and can result in financial loss to the manufacturer. Detection of microbial contamination requires prompt attention. A positive test for microbial contamination in product will be discussed and the analogy made to a criminal investigation. The formation of a cross-functional team is essential to the investigation process. Investigation basics will be presented along with specific known problematic organisms. Examples of design flaws, inadequate maintenance, lab induces failures and other problems that can lead to product contamination will be provided.<br><br> <b>Module 1:</b><br>   • Definition of microbial contamination and its <br>     potential root causes<br>   • The importance of microbial identifications to the<br>     investigation process <br>   • Investigation basics<br><br> <b>Module 2:</b><br>   • Identifications of microbial contaminants as clues to<br>     the source<br>   • The laboratory as a source of microbial contamination <br>   • Microorganisms with known resistance to<br>     sterilization processes<br><br> <b>Module 3:</b><br>   • Water as a source of microbial contamination<br>   • Design flaws and system failure examples leading<br>     to microbial contamination of product<br>   • The laboratory as a source of false positive tests <br>   • Question & Answer<br><br> <b>OTHER PARTS IN THIS SERIES:<br> <a href=""target=_blank>Control of Microbial Contamination in Manufacture of Sterile and Non-Sterile Products</a><br></b> <i>(Course Offering # 0810-412)</i><br><br> Attend both parts and <b>SAVE $100</b> OR take either as a stand-alone course. Take both to maximize learning and minimize expense.
12/10/2008 To 01/01/0001
Training Company
The Center for Professional Advancement (CfPA)
Medical Device
Course Category
Brochure Name,C8-122,0808-702.pdf