ICH Q10: Pharmaceutical Quality System Training Course :

Who Should Attend
Learning Objectives
<strong>Course Schedule - 6-7 November 2008</strong><br/><br/>The draft of ICH Q10 is the latest document that aims to define the requirements for a quality system for pharmaceutical operations. It discusses how the function of the system should evolve during pre-market operations, what its function is when a drug is marketed and how opportunities for product improvement should be identified and implemented throughout the product life cycle. The main element discussed in Q10 is what management, especially senior management, should be responsible for in assuring an effective Quality System. Other important elements receiving an emphasis in Q10 are the Quality System components such as change control, deviation control, CAPA, root cause determination, input/process/output monitoring, product reviews and documentation.<br><br> This course analyzes the content of Q10 and compares it with previous standards including the FDA Guidance on Quality Systems and ISO 9000. It analyzes its relationship with Q8 (Product Development) and Q9 (Risk Management) and the FDA Guidance on their Six-Systems Inspection Program and discusses the quality systems to which Q10 refers with particular reference as to how such systems can be effectively managed & integrated in accordance with Q10.<br><br> Throughout the course interactive discussion on this new, most important and far reaching Guideline will be encouraged.
11/13/2008 To 01/01/0001
Training Company
The Center for Professional Advancement (CfPA)
Course Category
Brochure Name
Amsterdam, The Netherlands Europe