GLP Study Director Training Course :

Who Should Attend
Learning Objectives
<strong>Course Schedule - 4-5 December 2008</strong><br/><br/>The current regulatory environment imposes far reaching responsibilities on Study Directors and Principal Investigators in preclinical regulatory R&D. This course takes as reference the GLP regulations of the FDA and OECD and the associated OECD interpretive monographs particularly on study direction, sponsor responsibilities and multi-site studies.<br><br> <b>Dealing with the increased range of duties and responsibilities of study managers is the core issue of this course.</b><br><br> The course goes further than presenting the theoretical roles of study managers in the difficult arena of multi-site studies. The workshop based activities address the practical aspects of study direction and investigate possible solutions to ensure full compliance.<br><br> A strong feature of this course is the high level of interactive, dynamic problem solving situations that the participants are asked to resolve appropriately and speedily. The strategies available for managing compliant studies are given topmost priority.<br><br> The presenters recognize that many courses can provide information, but information can only be turned into knowledge through the depth of understanding that comes from sharing experience and exchanging ideas. This is why a workshop approach is so valuable.
11/17/2008 To 01/01/0001
Training Company
The Center for Professional Advancement (CfPA)
Course Category
Brochure Name,C8-114,0812-103.pdf
Amsterdam, The Netherlands Europe