Clinical Testing Plan and Submissions – a TWO Part Course Training Course :

Who Should Attend
Learning Objectives
The FDA procedures for the clinical testing of drugs, potentially leading to the filing of an NDA or ANDA, are evolving rapidly. This <b>two-part, <i>accredited</b></i> program examines the steps involved in designing and filing for permission to conduct the clinical tests (the IND); the FDA issues and concerns in reviewing IND applications; the details of the pre-IND FDA meeting; and the procedures for electronic IND filing. Registration for both sessions is required. The course is divided into two 90-minute sessions, each in turn divided into three modules.<br><br> <b>Participants <i>MUST</i> Attend Both Parts<br><br> <u>SESSION 1: Planning the Clinical Study and IND Filing<br><br> Module 1:</u> Overview: Clinical Testing Concerns</b><br>   ? QbD<br>   ? Post marketing clinical testing<br>   ? Phases of Clinical Testing<br><br> <b><u>Module 2:</u> Steps</b><br>   ? Planning the Clinical Testing Process<br>   ? Pre-clinical<br>   ? IND filing<br>   ? Pre-meeting<br>   ? Design<br>   ? Research<br>   ? Investigator's Brochure<br>   ? IRB approval<br>   ? Format<br><br> <b><u>Module 3:</u> FDA Criteria and Concerns</b><br>   ? Foreign studies<br>   ? Design issues<br>   ? Safety and IRB review<br>   ? Study Size<br>   ? Blood/brain barrier<br><br> <b>Question and Answer Session</b><br><br> <b><u>SESSION 2: Dealing with the FDA Pre-IND Meeting and Details of Electronic Filings<br><br> Module 1:</u> Quality Issues in Clinical</b><br>   ? Clinical Team pre-IND meeting with FDA<br>   ? Focusing on the important issues and meta-issues<br>   ? Evaluating research facilities and strategies<br>   ? Ethical issues<br>   ? Protection of the safety, rights of persons participating<br><br> <b><u>Module 2:</u> Prep for the Pre-IND Meeting</b><br>   ? Early interactions with FDA staff to help to prevent clinical <br> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp issues from arising<br>   ? Selection of appropriate CROs and Investigators<br>   ? The Mock-Meeting: managing expectations<br>   ? Efficient use of FDA resources<br><br> <b><u>Module 3:</u> Electronic INDs</b><br>   ? Evolving process<br>   ? Industry guidance and FDA guidelines<br>   ? e-Forms<br>   ? Alternatives: paper, paper with electronic index, paper with<br> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp hyperlinks<br><br> <b>Question and Answer Session</b>
01/01/0001 To 01/01/0001
Training Company
The Center for Professional Advancement (CfPA)
Clinical Research Organization
Course Category
90 Minute Accredited Online Training 90 Minute Accredited Online Training,